
Sister Motion were commissioned by US-based 3D software company Vectorworks to make this sweet little profile film about Katarina, head of their Landmark product division. Katarina reveals how her previous career as a professional skydiver helped lay the foundations that have been critical to her success as a woman in tech.

This film, produced with a skeleton two-woman crew, was shot in one day on location in Newbury, UK.

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"Sister Motion has been a delight to work with and a tremendous asset to our creative endeavours. With our company based in the United States, it made sense to outsource to a local production company.

Working with Nicky and her team from pre-production to final delivery was refreshing and beyond our expectations. They were able to find creative solutions to breathe visual life and vitality into an otherwise basic office environment and, with Nicky’s unrivalled talent as an interviewer, build a deeper story beyond our initial goals.

We look forward to working with Sister Motion again on future projects, finding new stories to tell, and seeing the world through their incomparable lens."

David Urbanic, Lead Media Producer, Vectorworks, Inc., Columbia, MD (USA)